Secretariat Services
We are experts in providing comprehensive company secretarial, administrative and corporate services to SMEs and big corporates.
Below are additional secretarial services we offer:
Company/ Foundation/ Association Formation
- Registering a new Company/Foundation/Association
- Appointment of directors/members
- Drafting of Constitutional Documents
- Issuance of share certificate,
- Provision and preparation of minute book and statutory file
- Appointment of Public Officer
- Change of Auditors
- Registering a new Trust
- Appointment and resignation of Trustees
- Drafting of Trust Deeds and amendments
- Provision and preparation of minute book and statutory file
- Appointment of Trust Administrator/Auditors
Offshore Company Services
- Offshore company formation
- Offshore company administration
- Registered Office or Agent
Share Allotment
- Preparing share allotment form; drafting board and shareholder resolution, issuing new share certificate
Change of Director Detail
- Appointing/resigning directors/alternate directors
- Changing director’s details on CIPC
Share Transfers
- Issuing new share certificates
- Drafting shareholders’ resolution,
- Completing transfer deed,
- Updating share register
- Calculating securities transfer tax for SARS e-filing
Name Changes
- Drafting of shareholders’ resolution
- Filing changes with CIPC
- Updating of all statutory records and advising SARS via e-filing
CIPC Annual Returns
- Lodging of annual financial statements
- Filing of annual returns
- CIPC certificate of disclosure
Change of Year End Dates
- Drafting board/shareholder resolution,
- Filing changes with CIPC,
- Advising SARS of year-end change via e-filing
- Updating all statutory records